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Providing resources for 21st century followers of Jesus

For years Biblical Communications International (BCI) has been providing resources for Christian leaders worldwide at little or no cost. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute our part to the greater good.

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We know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. There are millions of under equipped Christian pastors and lay leaders around the world – especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America – who need theological and pastoral training and resources to help them more effectively disciple and care for the people God has called them to shepherd.



Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs. We strive to glorify God by communicating biblical truth and help Christians worldwide gain spiritual maturity, be more effective in sharing the gospel, and make disciples who will make more disciples. We are compelled by the Great Commandment to love God and our neighbors and to help accomplish the Great Commission to make disciples.



We provide excellent biblical resources, at little or no cost, in English, Chinese and Spanish. Translations will soon be offered in other languages as well. Our alliances with other ministries gives us the ability to offer a wide range of materials including books, videos, classes, counseling, lectures, conferences and personal discipleship. By collaborating with many groups in multiple countries, we are able to encourage and foster development and translation of resources. Additionally, we promote and distribute the materials via our web site, in-person events and travel. We are continuously seeking new, vibrant voices and working to provide platforms for dynamic disciple makers.


What They’re Saying Around the World

Hear testimonials from people around the world including Hope in China, Celestin in Africa and Nabeeh in the Middle East.

– Martin Luther

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”


Dallas, TX


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