This is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China. For centuries, the emperors prayed to the God of heaven to bless their harvests. Today over 100 million Chinese people know and worship the Lord Jesus Christ as the God of heaven. Pastors and church leaders here need training and resources to shepherd their flocks. Over a million such leaders are under-trained. We are committed to providing resources in Chinese, at little or no cost, to better equip these men and women who are pursuing God’s will to make disciples who will make disciples.
Biblical Communications International is dedicated to providing the right stuff to effectively help church leaders around the world. We are compelled by the Great Commandment to love God and our neighbors to help accomplish the Great Commission to make disciples, impacting our world forever. As teammates, we recommend trusted authors and ministries. We are adding excellent resources weekly.
Please share the good news with others around the world to let people know.
Neil Curran, CEO, Biblical Communications International